Ticket to Heaven! old one see new one

I meet a lot of people who are very nice individuals and yet do not have their Ticket to Heaven!

The following questions is meant to be a challenge to you and look at what God says about avoiding Hell and getting your Ticket to Heaven. 

Please take a few minutes of your time to reflect on the following questions, which could lead you in getting your Ticket to Heaven.

Do you believe you are going to go to Heaven when you die?

Do you have your Ticket to Heaven?

Do you know how to get your Ticket to Heaven?

Have you ever asked God how to Get in Heaven?

What makes you think your going to Heaven?

Please reflect on these questions.  Please take the time to write down your answer.  Please do it, it is very important,  because I will refer to your answer at a later time. 

God wants to tell you His way to Heaven. That's right God has the answer for you so you may know you have your Ticket to Heaven.  There is no hoping but God wants to tell you how you can get your Ticket to Heaven and know you have your Ticket to Heaven.

If your like the majority of the people you hope you have your Ticket to Heaven and hope to get into Heaven.

This message is mostly for Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Wesleyan and denominations that teach the truth about God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Heaven, Hell and the devil.  

If your someone who has attended a denomination that teaches the truth of God you are very close to getting your Ticket to Heaven.

You only need to see the lie that keeps you from getting your ticket.  This lie comes from the father of liars, the great deceiver, the devil. 

The devil has three major lies to keep people who attend a Church that preaches the truth about Christianity so they won't ask for their Ticket to Heaven. 

Do you know the three lies he uses?

Lie # 1:  Hell does not exist - No punishment for our sins.
Lie # 2:  Your a good person, you are going to Heaven -
Lie # 3:   Surely God would not send anyone to Hell -

If you believe any of the above lies then you are not going to ask God how to get to Heaven are you?  Have you ever cried out to God and asked how can I get into Heaven?  God has a way in getting in Heaven?

If you have never asked God how to get into Heaven then how do you expect to get in!

Remember how the devil deceived Eve?  "Surely God did not mean not to eat of the fruit from that particular tree, you will know right from wrong"  Eve was lied to and was deceived.

The devil is good at what he does - The devil lies, he deceives, he wants you to go to Hell with him. 

Jesus said  " I am the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE, no man comes to the father except through Me"  John 14:6

Here is a truth that most people do not know!  " Murderers, adulterers, whoremongers, .........  and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire"  Rev. 21:8 

God puts big sins and very small sins in the same category.  God says that all murderers and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. For most of us we did not know that one lie sends us to hell.  Why?  God is such a Holy God that even a liar is not allowed into Heaven. If you have committed even just one small lie then you cannot enter into Heaven. 

Did you know that only one sin separates us from going into Heaven?  For a Catholic like myself it was like a slap in the face.  It did not seem right that a small sin like a small lie would separate me from heaven. I had always believed it took a big sin not a small sin to send me to hell.

I was an alter boy and had earned all the badges of an alter boy.  Some special days we had one mass in the morning, one mass in the afternoon and one mass in the evening.  Sometimes I would serve two masses in one day as an alter boy and attend the third mass service.  That meant I attended three masses in one day.

I did not smoke or drink when growing up so I always presumed I was a good candidate to enter Heaven.  Little that I know if I had died before getting my Ticket to Heaven I would have gone to hell believing I was going to Heaven.  

Murderers.............  and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. Rev.. 21:8

Let me ask you,  have you ever told  a small fib?  Most people have at  least told a small lie, and if we were truthful more than one.  The truth, it only takes one small sin to separate me from heaven.  That is the truth.  The bible, God's word said it. 

Let me ask you this now that you have admitted to committing to at least one small sin, where would you go if you died today?

If you answered Hell, then you are ready for the TRUTH.  If you said Heaven let me repeat -  Revelation 21:8 Murderers ........ and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire

According to God's word, where would you go?  If you answered Hell I will now tell you the good news.

Good news  -  "The wages of sin is death but the GIFT of God is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. " Romans 6:23. 

Do you have to pay for a gift?  Of course not a gift is given.  God wants to give you the Gift of Eternal Life.

Let us logically look at your situation -  You have never asked God how to get to Heaven because you have never seen yourself going to hell before.

You believe in Jesus and know that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world but you never really understood that truth.

Lets look at the three lies of the devil and see the big hole in the lies.

Lie # 1:   Hell does not exist. 
  If hell did not exist, then why would God the Father send His
  Son Jesus Christ who was also God die a cruel death if hell
  did not exist?
  If one does not believe in Hell then why ask God
  How can I get into Heaven.  If you believe the lie then the
  devil has you going into hell because you never asked God
  what is His way in getting in Heaven.   

Truth     Hell does exist - Jesus talked about Hell. God had Hell written
  in His book the Bible.  

Lie # 2:  Your going to Heaven, your a good person, think of all the
  good you do for mankind.  Your a good person, surely you
  are going to get into Heaven.

  If I can work my way to heaven then God the son Jesus
  Christ did not have to die on the cross!  Think of it, if I can
  work my way to heaven God Jesus did not have to die on the

Truth      Not one person who has committed even the smallest sin can
  enter Heaven. 

  Even liars will have their place in the lake of fire.

  Again if you believe lie # 2 then you will never cry out to God
  and ask God - What is your way in getting in Heaven.
  Lie # 2 is the lie that will get the majority or people no matter
  your religion.  Most people believe they are going to Heaven
  and have no clue they are heading for hell because they
  believe they are good enough to get in.  People do not know
  that one small sin sends them to hell.  Yes I know that would
  mean everyone is going to hell.  Yes everyone unless you
  ask God for your Ticket to Heaven.

  The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life.

Lie # 3:   Surely God would not send anyone to hell.
  If God did not judge and send anyone to Hell then God
  the Father made a big boo-boo (error), God the Father sent
  His son Jesus Christ on the cross for nothing.  Think again,
  if God does not condemn or judge and does not send
  anyone to hell, then His son Jesus Christ died a cruel death
  for nothing.

TruthAnyone who does not have their Ticket to Heaven cannot get
  in Heaven.  You need a Ticket to get on a plane, bus,
  special concert, theatre etc.  You get the picture, well you
  need your Ticket to Heaven.

If you can admit to having committed one sin then according to the word of God, and God is truthful, you are separated from a Holy God and you cannot enter Heaven, if you are not getting into heaven then the only other place is hell and you are heading for hell. 

Are you ready to cry out to God and ask Him how you can avoid going to hell.  Well here is the good news! 

"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ". 

Getting into heaven is a gift from God.  Your Ticket to Heaven is a gift from God.  You cannot pay for it or earn it. 

God the father says look at the cross and put your faith on my Son Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for you.  My Son shed His blood to pay for your sins. 

God requires blood from a perfect lamb to pay for our sins.  If you put your faith on the Son of God and what He did for you, rather than on yourself, good deeds or your church then God will give you eternal life. 

When you put your faith on what Jesus did for you on the cross ( shed His blood to pay for your sins, died and rose on the third day) receive Him in your life and give your yourself to Him and ask God to forgive all of your sins and ask for His gift of Eternal Life, then God promises to GIVE YOU ETERNAL LIFE ( Ticket to Heaven).    


Realize the following:

1.  Believe in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
2.  Believe there is a Heaven.
2.  Believe you have sinned against God
3.  Believe there is a penalty for sin - Hell.
4.  Believe that Hell exist
5.  Believe Man needs someone to pay for his sins because he can't
6.  Believe that Jesus is the perfect lamb that can pay for our sins
7.  Believe that Jesus is a perfect lamb and also God
8.  Believe God Jesus became man, born of a virgin and created by the Holy Spirit.
9.  Believe that Jesus was crucified on the cross because of HIS love for us and HE
willingly shed his blood in order to pay for our sins
10.Jesus said " I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE no man comes to the father                except through ME."
11. Believe and accept that Jesus has paid for your sins on the cross and put your faith
on HIS completed work on the cross and HIS words when HE says I will give you
eternal life.

The following is a sample prayer you can make to God to receive your Ticket to Heaven:

God I am a sinner, according to your word I cannot get into Heaven because of only one sin.  I acknowledge I have committed more than one sin and I do not want to go to Hell. 

God you made a promise that if I put my faith on your Son Jesus Christ you would forgive all my sins and give me eternal life. 
I now put my faith on your Son Jesus Christ and believe Jesus shed His blood to pay for my sins.

I want to receive Jesus in my life and give myself to You and I accept your gift of forgiving all my sins and receive the gift of Eternal Life ( Ticket to Heaven).  


If you prayed sincerely,  then God made a promise,  If you put your faith on His beloved Son Jesus Christ then God the Father gives you the gift of Eternal Life. (Ticket to Heaven). 

Faith on the blood of the perfect lamb God the Son that allows you to have all your past, present and future sins all forgiven. 

1 John 2:22
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 20:28:
Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Christian churches teach that Jesus is God.  Jesus is not an Angel, Jesus is not a mere prophet but Jesus is God. 

Who is Jesus?   Jesus has many titles credited to Him -  God, the Son of God, Savior, Perfect Lamb etc.  but Jesus is not a mere prophet or a mere angel.