Prayer request:

I have a favor to ask for those who enjoy this site.  Would you commit to praying for the page called Ticket to Heaven?  The page was created so people could see what God says how one can get their Ticket to Heaven. Pray that the veil of the lie would be removed and that the reader would see God's truth and obtain their Ticket to Heaven by putting their Faith on the Cross.

I am blessed every week when I meet amazing people and witness the Holy Spirit remove the veil that blinds us in understanding the Truth of God.  I would love that the page Ticket to Heaven could be used by the Holy Spirit and lead the readers in receiving their Ticket to Heaven. 

I am blessed every time I witness someone receive their Ticket to Heaven.  Amazing what God is doing. 

I have tried to remember how God has lead in the story format when I present the Gospel.  It varies at times but I do have a pattern I try to follow.  The written words on the page does not flex like when your actually telling the good news to someone. 

I seek your prayers -  Pray that the words on the pages called Ticket to Heaven would help the reader understand the Truth of God,  put their faith on the cross and receive their Ticket to Heaven. 

Please note these pages are specifically for Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Wesleyan, etc.  Ticket to Heaven is meant for those who have attented and received some knowledge of the truth of God from Churches who teach the Truth about God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  Church who teach the Truth about creation.  Church who teach the Truth about Jesus Christ, the Cross, the power of the blood of God, the resurrection etc. 

You get the picture, the page Ticket to Heaven is for those who do have some knowledge of the truth - 
Pray that the pages would help people see the lies of the devil that keeps them from asking for their Ticket to Heaven

Pray that people could see that it's their belief in the lie of the devil that keeps them from coming into the Kingdom of God. 

Pray that the reader would understand the payment for their sins has been paid in full over 2000 years ago.
Pray that people would understand why they need to put their faith on the Cross, for getting their Ticket to Heaven rather than trusting on being a good person, or doing good for mankind etc. 

Pray that those who read the page would be challenged and understand the simple truth of God and put their faith on the Cross.

What an amazing simple Truth for receiving one's Ticket to Heaven. 

Pray for those who already have their Ticket to Heaven but may have lost their joy and feel like a failure.

Pray that they would be encouraged and be uplifted in a special way by our Lord. 

Pray that they would stop believing the lies the accuser is whispering in their ears.

Pray they would read in the bible that God calls them Royal Priest,  Saint, Holy etc. 
Titles God calls everyone who has put their faith on the Cross. 

Pray that they would be awed in belonging in the Kingdom of God.

Pray that instead of listening to words from the devil about their failure that they would reflect on the words of God and see the great love that God has for all His chosen one. 

God the father sent His beloved Son to die on the cross for us.  Because of the love Jesus Christ has for us Jesus took the cruel death to shed His blood to redeem us. 

Pray that individual in the Kingdom of God would hear their Lord cry out the words " I Love You " . 

Pray that they would repeat the positive words of God rather than the negative words from the accuser.

Pray that people would be encouraged just for the fact they belong in the Kingdom of God.

Pray for an encourager to be available in using their gift and be a blessing to someone God wants to bless. 

Pray that people would understand that God wants to bless others by using peoples spiritual gifts to bless others and in return they are being blessed. 

I want to thank you for your prayers and may God richly bless you for being a blessing to God's chosen ones.